Saturday, June 09, 2012

Napo River advice

Before hitting The River, I was given two important pieces of advice.

If you have to kill a Coral Snake with a machete, don't try to kill it with the machete blade.

Instead, you should go after it with the flat of the machete to stun it. This is because the head might continue to come after you, even if you manage to separate the head from the body. The head is where the venom is. (The ideal would be to have a stick or pole you can beat it with and a machete you can use to finish the job)

Don't pee in The River

This has nothing to do with the idea of not contaminating its waters. There is a more pressing concern. A tiny, barbed fish can swim up your urine stream and lodge itself in your urethra.

Both good pieces of advice.

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